Daily Archives: November 29, 2010

Daily Snack Bars May Facilitate Weight Loss

Snacking — at least on the right kind of food — may help with weight control, according to a recently completed pilot study at The Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center. In the pilot study, 20 overweight adults consumed two KIND Fruit %26amp; Nut Delight Bars per day for eight weeks along with their habitual diet. The group experienced an average weight loss of 0.6 pounds, and a reduction of 0.2 in their BMI, along with lowered blood pressure (-3.6 systolic and -1.7 diastolic). Given the modest sample size, these findings are suggestive rather than definitive, and an expanded follow-up study is now planned.

“Snacking can add calories to the diet, and cause weight gain,” said Dr. David L. Katz, the principal investigator, and Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center. “But snacking on wholesome foods can help control appetite and weight, while providing excellent nutrition — and displacing less filling foods that contribute empty calories. KIND bars are just that kind of snack food, made principally of nuts and fruits. We were gratified to see preliminary data support the hypothesis that such bars may offer health and weight benefits when consumed routinely. We are now eager to conduct an expanded study and generate more definitive results.”

KIND Fruit + Nut Bars are manufactured by PeaceWorks Holdings LLC, an American company based out of Texas and New York. According to the CEO of the company, Daniel Lubetzky, the line was introduced five years ago to “address the need for snacks that can be both healthful and delicious — to be KIND to one’s body at the same time as we are KIND to our taste buds.”

Mr. Lubetzky added, “We are grateful for Dr. Katz’s research, which we consider essential as our nation is challenged to overcome the diabetes and obesity epidemics. We are thrilled at the potential of having scientific data confirm our intuition for creating healthy snacks from wholesome ingredients you can see and pronounce.”